I Was Diagnosed With Hashimoto's - Now What?

Hashimoto’s is a type of autoimmune disease (read previous post) that affects millions of Americans. It is the leading cause of thyroid disease and is what I personally am diagnosed with. To read my experience with getting diagnosed, click here.

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In normal thyroid function, the pituitary gland releases TSH which signals to the thyroid to produce T3 and T4. With Hashimoto’s, like other autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system is malfunctioning and it attacks the thyroid. This causes dysfunction since the thyroid is the body’s regulator of metabolic function, heart rate, body temperature, etc. 

Symptoms of Hashimoto’s can include:

  • weight gain and difficulty losing weight

  • reduced libido

  • cold sensitivity

  • depression

  • muscle weakness

  • changes in menstrual cycle

  • fatigue

  • constipation

Your first step in being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s is to get blood drawn. My clients are advised on which blood work to request, how to read results, and how to adapt their lifestyle to manage symptoms. You can read which labs to request in this post.


How to Manage Hashimoto’s:

Since this disease affects your immune system, you want to start by addressing root causes. Autoimmune diseases can have several root causes such as leaky gut, diet, toxins, infections and stress. Working with a functional medicine/holistic practitioner can help you identify why your body is experiencing autoimmunity. You want to look at the factors mentioned above as well as be open to making changes.

Clients who come to me with autoimmune diseases can expect to complete a thorough questionnaire and be willing to look inward to find out where/when this disease first began. With firsthand experience with autoimmune diseases, I’ve learned that we must be willing to acknowledge that this is something that can be put in remission and does not have to always be “active.”

Be willing to do the work, even if it’s uncomfortable or different. You deserve to life a healthy, symptom free life and I want to help you get there. To schedule a consultation with me, click here. See you soon!